Special Someone

A rope to the throat, or a knife to the heart,
Neither hurt like not knowing who you are,
Remember when I stuck my foot in my mouth,
As I said you’re the one I can’t live without?
Obviously I was wrong for the millionth time,
I’ve been without you and I’m tired of trying,
To make all of the wrong things right anymore,
Because I’m lonely, depressed and I’m bored.
I told you that I would trade everybody else,
To have you since I don’t have a soul to sell,
And now I’m here to live or die all by myself,
Or to take you and introduce you to this hell.
This must be why you said you would worry,
Because you fully expected to do this to me,
You had an agenda from the second we met,
How could I be so naive to have my mind set,
And think that you could really be that girl,
To give a meaning to my meaningless world?
I cannot even recall the sound of your voice,
Without thinking about all of those evil ploys,
Running through your fucking demented mind,
You must have assumed I was stupid or blind.
I am tired of being the one that you run to,
When everybody else has had enough of you,
I hope the next time I see you running to me,
Is the last fucking time that you ever breathe.
If I’m not so lucky, and you continue to live,
I want to cut out your tongue with a dull shiv,
So never again will you promise that you care,
And disappear again for no reason into thin air.
I want to sew your legs shut after your mouth,
And chain you to the basement of your house.
I want to leave you without food or fresh air,
Until those who know you no longer even care.
And I hope it gives you plenty of time to think,
Of what you have done to push me to the brink,
Since then you’ll feel just like I do right now,
You’ll wanna kill yourself, but won’t know how,
When your hands are tied and your mouth shut,
And you had no hope so you pleaded for love,
So somebody can wave it in front of your face,
And remind you of the joy you will never taste,
Until you lay there trying to hold back the tears,
Thinking about how cold and desolate the years,
Are going to be if you have to spend them alone,
And you’d do it all differently if you had known,
How badly you could hurt me without even trying,
By telling me you would love me and fucking lying.

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